U.S. Poet Laureate:
Read more about the history of the U.S. Poet Laureate
State Poets Laureate:
Alaska: Heather Lende (State Writer Laureate)
Connecticut: Antoinette Brim-Bell
Delaware: Nnamdi Chukwuocha and Albert Mills
Hawaii: Brandy Nālani McDougall
Idaho: Kerri Webster (Official Title: Writer-In-Residence)
Indiana: Curtis L. Crisler
Iowa: Vince Gotera
Massachusetts: no position
Minnesota: Gwen Nell Westerman
Missouri: David L. Harrison
New Hampshire: Alexandria Peary
New Jersey: vacant
New York: Patricia Spears Jones (Official title: State Poet)
North Carolina: Jaki Shelton Green
North Dakota: Denise Lajimodiere
Pennsylvania: vacant
Rhode Island: Colin Channer
South Carolina: vacant
Tennessee: Margaret Britton Vaughn
Virginia: Margaret O. Daramola
Wyoming: Barbara Smith
Navajo Nation: Laura Tohe
Read more about the history of poets laureate positions at the Library of Congress.
Read about starting a poet laureate position where you live.